Vision & Mission


To be THE MOST preferred and trusted clean energy partner.


Create partnership in innovation way to:

Maximize stakeholder value by acquiring and delivering environmental sound clean energy, through operation excellence and people empowerment.

Coorporate Value


A quality of self that always reflects the only words and deeds in upholding the principles of truth, morality, and honesty.


The process of searching for the better, faster, and more efficient than anything that previously existed, whether in the form of products, results, methods, and technology.


An activity that is conducted on the basis of mutual trust by several individuals with different skills that help each other to achieve corporate goals.


An activity that is reasonably practiced to meet the needs or assist internal and external customers.


Energas presence is an energizer for every stakeholders, as well as its customers, shareholders, suppliers, employee and the competitors.

Logo Definition

The Yellow-orange color of the sun and the flames became the inspiration of EHK’s new logo

The sun as an infinite source of energy and a dynamic fire is always full of spirit and high spirit. This color represent new value, internal commitment, cooperation and endless innovation.

The pure and solid blue color of fire represent trust, integrity, high external commitment and solid partnership.

The following pipe form, in addition to describing the main of business EHK, also illustrates the dynamic flow and ability to adapt to any future condition.